Submit a request

Provide a title for the ticket

Note: Here you will ask your question or provide as many details as possible regarding your issue.

Please select your KIPP Texas Region

Please select your school or department

Please complete and submit this form at least 10 days before trip day. Trip requests received less than 10 days before the trip, may result in DENIAL of your trip request. Field trips must have approval from School Leader or Direct Manager prior to submitting form. If a trip needs to be modified, please email First Student directly. Depending on availability, Transportation Vendor will approve or deny the request of buses for the field trip. Invoices will be sent directly to school/department point of contact.

Please type your full name

Please provide a phone number where you can be reached

If this does not apply please enter "0"

Approximately 50 passengers on a regular bus

Do you require any special accommodations with the bus?

If you are not requesting buses please enter "NA" where it applies

Please provide the full address you are traveling to

Please include "unloading zone"

Please list any additional stops you need

By checking this box, I verify that I am authorized by my School Leader or Budget Manager to create this field trip

All Meal Requests must be submitted 10 operating days prior to the date it is needed

The final count is due 48 business hours prior to the event, your school will be charged for overages/unclaimed meals. If this does not apply please enter "0".

Please provide time (i.e. 11:45 am, 1:30 pm)

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